Friday, March 28, 2014

March Links

I loved this post, and as a compulsive list writer I completely understand those kinds of days where your heart wins and your to-do lists become tomorrow's problems.

There is nothing more motivating than a post like this to help you step back and reconsider certain aspects of your life and what you don't want for your future. I wish I had found this blog sooner it is so incredibly motivating and inspiring. And not the picture perfect styled by sponsorship inspiring, the real kind.

March proved to be a great month for finding new blogs, and I even found myself following a couple of beauty blogs which I don't normally read. I really liked this one, and this one.

It is so refreshing to read brutally honest parenting and lifestyle blogs where you can completely understand what they are saying because it is happening to you now. Romy is starting to get serious about this teeth business and there have been some really bad nights and hard mornings. And I get what it feels like to be tired to your bones with a small, teething baby relying on you to keep their day going when you can barely think straight yourself, so I could relate to this post.

This month a group of incredibly creative mommy bloggers who have joined forces launched a new collaborative blog earlier this month, Wholehearted - a journal, which Practising Simplicity contributor Jodi describes as 'a celebration of motherhood'.

You just never know what treasure you might find at an auction, you might even discover a little bit of history!

Luke came across this wonderful website filled with healthy family friendly recipes & I can't wait to get stuck into making a few of them for Romy.

This AMAZING site never fails to interest me, and the more I scroll down, the longer I put off doing real things because I just want to keep reading on. If you like to read tid-bits about other peoples lives, you'll LOVE this!

Three questions to determine your long term compatibility with your partner. I guess I should have told Luke straight away I don't & will never like horror movies before we got married. 

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I love these posts of yours. :)

    Carly's Beauty World is great isn't it? Such helpful and informative posts. :D



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