Sunday, October 6, 2013

Six Months

Romy hit the 6 month mark today! Six months you guys, how did that even happen? We completely missed her 5 month milestone, so today felt extra special. Romy & I set up a sea of blankets in our living room and played on them for most of the morning. She normally likes to have your whole attention, but today she was happy to just be with herself and I was able to get a lot of stuff done around the house without any of the usual tantrums. This past month we slowly introduced foods into her diet, starting off with a little rice cereal that was not well received. Avocado was the next taste and she took to that quiet quickly even though the 'spoon feeding' business was weird to her. After that we made purees of avocado and banana mixed together and she really liked that. Occasionally adding grape and blueberries mashed up.

Its been an odd transition into the solid phase, and knowing what is the 'right' thing to do. My friend Renee has been super helpful, and hearing about her solid eating trials with her little boy has been comforting in the sense that other Mums do feel the same way too. Romy has started to move around a lot more, so I can see that crawling will be her focus for the next couple of months.


  1. She's a cutie pie! my daughter will be 6 months this week too! Congrats on the milestone!

    1. Your little girl is so ridiculously cute! Love your recent photo shoo with her!


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