Sunday, January 5, 2014

*New Feature* Pizza Sunday

I've mentioned before that Sunday nights are mine & Luke's pizza night. Every Sunday we try to make a different pizza & it has become one of our things we like to do together. We even make it a novelty be getting a little competitive with who comes up with the better topping ideas! So I thought I could turn our little weekly ritual into a pizza feature on here. Even though I am vegetarian, not all the pizzas in this feature will be. Some weeks Luke makes his own pizza with meat on it, and if they aren't too gross (Luke likes to put egg on his meat pizzas & it weirds me out a little) I'll break the veg fest up with some of his.
Broccoli with roasted pumpkin & eshallots 
This week I wanted to use broccoli on my pizza, I've tried it once before but I over-steamed it and it didn't end up having too much taste. We originally intended to put on sun-dried tomatoes, but we forgot to pick them up at the shops this afternoon. Luckily Luke had some roasted eshallots to take their place and it ended up being much nicer, especially with the roasted pumpkin. We topped ours with aioli, and it was delicious with the extra hint of garlic!


  1. Any pizza with roasted pumpkin is a winner in my book! Great feature. :D


  2. Thanks! If it were up to Luke, he would put roasted pumpkin on all of our vegetarian pizzas!


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