Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Little Bear Cubs

Today Romy & I spent the day in Newcastle visiting our friends Ali & Xander. Romy hit the 8 month mark over the weekend, and Xander is 13 weeks old as of today. When we visited a few weeks back Xander was catching up on some sleep and we didn't get much face time with him, but today we got to spend much more time with him. Romy was all over Xander Panda like a hot rash, she kept wanting to grab his face and hold his hand, it was all a little too cute! I can't wait to see these two little bears play & grow up together. It's very special when someone you're close with has a baby at the same time as you, it makes the experience all the more exciting!


  1. So, so sweet! Look at those chubby little baby feet!


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