Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Picnic Delight

I've finally found a minute after such a busy couple of weeks to sit at peace with some tea & share some delightful adventures the past weeks have comprised of!

Last week on Luke's day off we woke up early to go for breakfast at this sort of old world type cafe that we always drive past & make promises to visit one day. So we went, and although it was a few stops short of awful (hence my lack of recommendation & directions to get there!), it was a nice sunny day & we were both in too high spirits to let it bother us. We picked up some tickets to Harvest Festival , which I am so super excited about! Finallllly a chance to see The National! Oh, swoon! 

After our breakfast we came home & readied our bikes for an afternoon ride & we packed my wicker basket with some sandwiches and ice tea and off we went to enjoy the sunny afternoon. It was such a cute little afternoon. We found this little picnic area near our house with a little foot bridge and a bountiful assortment of trees.

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