Today Luke, Romy, my Mum & I all went to the markets. These markets were the monthly ones and were much, much bigger than the fortnightly ones held here. Now that I no longer work every Saturday I can do things like go to the markets, and out for breakfast on a weekend like a regular weekenders. Luke started work much later than usual today, so we were able to put a good couple of hours in browsing all of the local craft, baked treats, and vintage clothes. I bought a handmade delicious smelling soy vanilla candle poured into a glass teacup, a blueberry cheesecake macaroon (how cute is this macaroon baking lady we met today!) and some smoked garlic bulbs. While we were browsing we came across a brilliant local photographer that creates the most magical fantasy family photographs, and we booked a session! We have been meaning to get photos taken of Romy but haven't really planned it and we keep putting it at the bottom of our to-do-list. And it was just as well, otherwise we would not have booked our upcoming session. I cannot wait to share more about it!

Saturday, August 31, 2013
Pin Of The Week
[ source ]
Now that Romy is settled in her nightly routine, I've got a little bit more time to myself and I've started to get the nail art itch again.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Fancy Folk / Room 334
Have you met Elana?
Have you crossed anything of your 2013 to-do-list?You know, I make daily to-do lists almost religiously, but I can't say that I made one for the year. I guess it would be surviving my first semester of editor-in-chief of my campus newspaper, finishing junior year, and interning with a celebrity stylist this summer. I guess in retrospect, this has been a fairly productive year so far.Describe your styleMy style is very feminine and classic. I live in skirts and dresses, but I'm also a college student so everything I wear is fairly comfortable. Fit and flare dresses, collars, pleats, and polka dots are my best friends.What would your menu be for a dinner party that you're hosting?I like the idea of a coffee and dessert party, rather than dinner. It would just be cupcakes, crepes, cookies, etc. And plenty of coffee, since I'm an addict. Mmm..I'm getting hungry just thinking about it. Can someone (who's better at planning things) plan a party like this ASAP and invite me please?If you were a cat who would you follow all day in the hope that they would look after you?Bryan Cranston. No explanation necessary.Your perfect day would be..Sitting at a cute little coffee shop and exploring new vintage shops with close friends sounds just about perfect to me!
>> Check out Elana's blog
Everyday Products
- 'Gold Rush' Glam'Eyes Mono Eye Shadow Rimmel
- St Ives Fresh Skin Invigorating Apricot Scrub
- 'Raven Red' Classic Nail Enamel Revlon
- Kora Organics Hydrating Face Mask
- The Body Shop Hemp Hand Protector
- Trilogy Everything Balm
- Kora Organics Blemish Gel
- Yes To Carrots 'Mint' Lip Butter
- Natural Instinct Daily Moisturiser
The above handful of products are what I use on a daily basis. I'm not very big on using lots of different products, I'm pretty minimalistic and like to use the bare minimum. So much so that when I saw Trilogy's 'Everything Balm' I was immediately drawn to it because if I can use it for everything & cut down the need for other products, why would I not like it! It is great for all kinds of things like dry skin, rashes, burns and chapped lips. I try to avoid products with all those nasty harsh chemicals, but am not completely unrealistic about it. The Kora Organics range is great for those who are strict about what goes onto their bodies, and their products actually work. My favourite products from the Kora range are the hydrating mask and the blemish gel. With these products a little bit goes a long way so you don't have to use copious amounts to see results.
My favourite product that I use daily is The Body Shop's Hemp Hand Protector. My sister used to buy it for her husband's mechanic grease stained hands, and suggested I buy it for Luke's kitchen damaged hands. And I started to use it also and was hooked. I sometimes get these weird little bumps on my hands that I have no idea what from, and when they come up every so often, this cream gets rid of them almost instantly. What are some of your everyday products?
My favourite product that I use daily is The Body Shop's Hemp Hand Protector. My sister used to buy it for her husband's mechanic grease stained hands, and suggested I buy it for Luke's kitchen damaged hands. And I started to use it also and was hooked. I sometimes get these weird little bumps on my hands that I have no idea what from, and when they come up every so often, this cream gets rid of them almost instantly. What are some of your everyday products?
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Today We..
Slept in as much as Romy would let us this morning, which was until about 8.30am. We made no fuss about rushing to get ready to go about the day. We spent the day doing small little things around the house. We sat with Romy and played with her in between her cat naps. Luke made breakfast bruschetta. My Mother came over for coffee and cupcakes and brought over a handmade chevron table runner that I asked her to make me six months ago. We went for an afternoon walk to the shops. We tired The Bear out on her play gym before bed. Luke made a curry for dinner. We drank whiskey and watched 'It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia', and that was our day.
Monday, August 26, 2013
A Cupcake Agenda
Today Luke, Romy & I went on a little adventure for cupcakes. We drove to Newcastle, which is a 50 minute drive from where we live on the Central Coast, to have breakfast & to check out the infamous 'Cupcake Espresso' cupcake bakery. It seems that as soon as Luke & I moved from Newcastle, a lot of cool things started to happen in the lost city. Like these delicious baked treats that have been flooding my instagram feed for months from some lovely ladies I know and current Novocastrians. There was so many tasty flavours to choose from, we bought a box of six and picked the following flavours: salted caramel, mocha, red velvet, banana blueberry white chocolate, lemon cheesecake, peanut butter chocolate, and honeycomb choc (we bought an extra one!). These are going to be perfect with our cups of tea this evening!
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Pin Of The Week
Friday, August 23, 2013
Fancy Folk / Sincerely, Cam
Have you met Sincerely, Cam?
Have you crossed anything off your 2013 to-do-list?
Joe and I have been wanting to go to Disneyland together ever since we met, and March of this year we were finally able to do so. We had the best time ever, plus got engaged while there, so it was that much more magical! This year we also adopted a dog, and I finally started blogging. I'm pretty happy with how this year has gone!
Describe your style
I would describe my style as very girly with a vintage flare. I am obsessed with all kinds of dresses, and rarely wear jeans. When it's cold out, I will wear jeans and sweaters occasionally, but I really prefer a dress with tights and a cardigan. A few of my favorite stores are Anthropologie, ModCloth, Urban Outfitters, and Asos. I also am in love with patterns. I usually with go for anything striped or polka dotted!
What would your menu be for a dinner party that you're hosting?
I am honestly not the best cook. However, I have been told I make good Italian food. So probably some kind of pasta with LOTS of cheese, Italian salad, and gelato for dessert. Yum!
If you were a cat who would you follow all day in the hope that they would look after you?
I would follow someone around who allowed me to hang out at their business with them. Like maybe at a tattoo parlor or boutique. That way I'd have the opportunity to meet a lot of different people and they would all want to pet and hold me :)
Your perfect day would be...
My perfect day would be sleeping in late. It would be chilly out, middle of Fall maybe. Joe and I would hang out at home all day in our pajamas with nothing to do and nowhere to be. We would light a fire, bake a pie, pig out on delicious food, sing and dance around the house. Then later we would wrap up in a blanket with our dog and watch all the Harry Potter movies in a row until we fall asleep on the couch.
>> Check out Cam's blog
as she lives the lovely simple life
in style.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
I Heart Mindy Kaling
But seriously who doesn't? I almost over looked Mindy Kaling because of my distaste for hospital sitcoms. When The Mindy Project started on tv here in Australia, I rolled my eyes at the cheesy hospital back drop, the annoying song opening and fast talking leading lady. And then I watched it again the following week and realised just how funny and awesome the show was. Mindy was a quick sell for me because I love a lady that can talk that fast and not slip up when shelling out some sass. And I love her characters style and home decor. The hospital setting doesn't even bother me so much because the other characters are so funny and different. I love the Mindy & Danny dynamic, I can't wait for their story to turn in a romantic one. Her book, Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me (and other concerns), is also worth checking out. It is an easy read and almost feels as though she is talking at you there is so much wit and character in her thoughts and stories. And not to mention she wrote and acted in The Office. I cannot wait for season two of The Mindy Project, and I can't wait to see what else she has planned. Check her out!
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Reading: "The Beautiful & Damned" by F.Scott Fitzgerald. I haven't read enough yet to say whether I love it or not. It has been on my to-read list for some time and is the first book I've read on my Kindle. I received my Kindle last year for my birthday and only just set it up this week! I've just kept putting off setting it up because I haven't really had the time in the past ten or so months to set time aside for reading. But I would like to try and read a couple of books before the end of the year and I think the Kindle is going to make it more exciting!
Watching: Luke & I have just finished up watching"It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia". We have been watching the box sets for the past month and a half and we're pretty devastated we're finished. However much to our delight we caught one of the new episodes on tv last night. I've also been pretty sweet on "Sabrina, The Teenage Witch" lately and make a point to watch it every night that it is on tv. I'm beginning to think investing in the box set might be a good idea.
Listening to: Veruca Salt's first two albums - "Eight Arms To Hold You" & "American Thighs". I fell in love with Veruca Salt in early high school and have always loved them (I was super forgiving for their last album "IV"). One of my best friends is a pretty big VS fan and I remember reading the VS forum in high school and noticed his comments. And 5 years after that we actually met up in Newcastle and became really good friends and bonded over 90's girl grunge and wine.
Thinking about: baby stuff. And more baby stuff. I feel as though I didn't have enough time to prepare for this teething phase, which ultimately means she'll be needing to use them soon. And starting her on solids is a whole other sphere of anxiety! I am looking forward to going to the solids eating Mothers group in a few months to hear what other mothers are doing.
Working on: my blog. While I was pregnant I really didn't have the focus to put a lot of myself into my blog and was busy working. Now that I'm home a lot more and Romy has started to get serious about her night sleeps, I have some time to myself to catch up things around the house, watch movies, lose track of time on pinterest and blog. I implemented blog planning the past two months and have felt differently about this whole blogging hobby. I enjoy it a lot more and have been way more inspired to be creative in other avenues aside from blogging.
Loving: These Collet Jersey Dresses from Cotton On. When I find a dress I love the style of, I generally buy it in a few colours. For this dress in particular I bought it in blue, white with thin stripes, black, and black & white stripes. I really need to learn how to sew so I could solve a lot of my own problems!
Anticipating: the next bright and sunny day off with Luke so we can take Romy for a picnic by the lake. Romy really loves being out in the fresh air and loves to stare at the trees and take everything in. And now that the weather is starting to take a definite turn here on the coast, the days are becoming quite warm and it is pleasant to be outside. Which means Summer really is not far away!
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
To Live Would Be An Awfully Big Adventure
Now that Luke & I have a baby, we have been reminiscing a lot about the things we had as children, and our favourite books and movies. And what gems from our childhood we would like to share with Romy, and what classics we would like to read to her. I would love her to enjoy the likes of Winnie The Pooh, Peter Rabbit, Mr Men and Peter Pan. I love how wholesome and sweet they are, and how they encourage children to enjoy their childhood. One of the best things about being a parent is getting to create all of those fun and joyful moments for someone else, and getting to play with colourful bright toys and make up silly songs that only your own child would find amusing. Today we made up a song about Romy's teething woes and sang it to her while dancing around her like she was a roaring camp fire. It was totally embarrassing and lots of fun. In a way Luke & I get to have a second round at being a child as we make up ridiculous ways to comfort Romy and make her smile.
Monday, August 19, 2013
How Was Your Week?
Sunday has already arrived, it doesn't feel like another whole week has been and gone. Spending all of my time with Romy really makes the days go by that much more faster. We generally start our week off with Luke as Mondays & Tuesdays are his days off work. I generally love Wednesdays because they are half way through the week, but now they have taken on that typical Monday feeling. On Wednesday, the day we dread the most, Romy & I visited some friends & had an afternoon movie marathon at home. And on Thursday had a morning coffee date & went for a walk with my friend Renee & her baby boy Oscar. Friday Romy & I ran errands and got organised so we could spend the weekend with my Sister & her husband Allan. Before my Mum & Sister Ashleigh came over on Saturday morning, Luke & I got up early to go out for breakfast together and check out the markets. Because Luke spends most of his time at work and we get limited time all together to do things, we're now making more of an effort to do morning adventures. I hope I don't jinx it, but Romy has been sleeping fantastically the last few evenings, so I have been able to catch up on a couple of things and a lot of sleep. This morning we had breakfast with Ashleigh & Allan before they went back home, and it was such a beautiful morning to have coffee and waffles in the sun. Luke & I are finishing our week off with pizzas, drinks and a visit from an old friend. I hope you all had a lovely week too!
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Friday, August 16, 2013
Fancy Folk / My Life As A Teacup
Have you crossed anything off your 2013 to-do-list?
Quite a bit actually - I went to a blog conference, which I've been dying to do; I just signed up for my first 5K after finally getting into the habit of working out regularly; I'm in the process of learning French; and I've been taking steps to make my blog more of what I love; amongst other things :) Overall, I'm pretty pleased with what I've accomplished so far this year! Then again, as soon as I cross something off, another task, goal, or to do takes it's place. I'm in a perpetual state of doing (which, I'm not so sure I'm happy about, to be honest!)
Describe your style
Classic and comfortable more or less governs my style, with lots of flowy fabrics, cozy cardigans, and timeless mauves, navy, and grey that all look somewhat librarian chic. I do, however, have a penchant for pairing girly, twirly dresses with apocalyptic-ready buckled boots. A friend of mine once described it as "punk rock ballerina", though I admit, I have to inject some more edginess into my style to live up to that claim.
What would your menu be for a dinner party that you're hosting?
Is it weird that I actually have this jotted down for just the occasion? Baked Brie for starters, and wine - lots! Walnut-crusted halibut and a simple yet rich mushroom orzo. Not to mention coffee, tea, and cinnamon pear dumplings for after dinner :)
If you were a cat who would you follow all day in the hope that they would look after you?
As much as I would love to rove about and attempt to locate lost superheroes a la Luna from Sailor Moon, I would very much like to find someone who is, quite simply, kind. Whether human of cat, I need to pal around with someone who's willing to cuddle and slip me snacks every now and then, but will respect my alone time and not coddle me to death.
Your perfect day would be..
a slightly chilly autumn day with the rain drizzling outside. Lots of blankets, books, and vanilla tea would be involved as I curl up inside the fluffiest sweater imaginable while inside my blanket fort. And maybe I'd invite my DS into my fort for some quality Pokemon time :)
>> Make yourself a cup of tea
and head over to Kristin's blog
Thursday, August 15, 2013
A Floral Kind Of Illustration
Last week Luke & I went for a big walk, and this side path delight caught my eye. I have no idea what the flower is called because I'm new to this whole flower business, but it was just too pretty to walk past unappreciated. Flowers are becoming a fast favourite to illustrate. Don't forget to stop and smell the roses!
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Today We...
A creepy family photo
...woke up early, and had coffees and bagels. We played with Romy for most of the morning, and went to the shops in the afternoon. I stocked up my summer dress collection and we bought a new polka dot quilt cover. We went for an afternoon walk and came home to watch Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. Luke made a green curry for dinner and we ate that together with drinks. We finished our day off with Bear hugs and a movie. This is how we spend most Tuesdays.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Four Months
I didn't think today would come around so quickly. When we first brought Romy home we were amazed at how much she had grown in her first week, and joked about the things we had to look forward to, like teething. Well the time has come, right on four months my little darling has started to teethe! I almost don't feel ready for these big changes, but am so excited for what these little changes will bring.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Pin Of The Week
I love a good feature wall, or collection of furniture that is well designed and makes a statement, but when your space doesn't suit a feature wall the next best thing is an understated corner feature space. I love how this side table is decorated moderately to create a space for your interest to focus on comfortably.
>> Follow me on pinterest
Friday, August 9, 2013
Fancy Folk / The Happy Type
Have you met Crystal from The Happy Type?
Have you crossed anything of your 2013 to-do-list?
Oh, yea! I have been rocking it like nobodies business and so far I'm well on my way to obliterating it. Here's some things I've been up to this year:
- Traveled to the Philippines
- Earned my Black Belt in Taekwondo
- Got in to graduate school at the University of Alabama
- Moved back to America
- Found a new house
- Started my new blog and have been pretty successful at creating a thriving community ;)
Describe your style.
Hmmm...I think my style is a blend of old and new. I really love vintage clothing, art, furniture, ect., but I love to embrace trends that are of the moment so I like to blend the two. Also, COLOR, TONS OF COLOR! I am not afraid of color and the bolder the better.
What would your menu be for a dinner party that you're hosting?
Is Everything an acceptable answer? I like to throw feasts and so when you get a dinner invite for me you come hungry and ready to get down. My husband gets on to me about taking on too much because he'll come home and find me slaving away over an 8 course meal for a dinner party. Yes, I am that woman who couldn't be happier in the kitchen.
If you were a cat who would you follow all day in the hope that they would look after you?
My mother-in-law! While I was away in Korea my in-laws were taking care of my dog and let me tell you something...she is spoiled rotten now! I'd hope that they would take me in because then my every kitty desire would be sure to come true.
Your perfect day would be..
My perfect day would be spent with my husband and just him. We are apart right now since I have come back to America to go to graduate school and just one day with him would be perfect for me right now.
>>Check out Crystal's blog
and be the happy type too!
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
If I Were The DIY Type
Firstly, I would just like to say that I love DIY posts on blogs, so I'm not the type to DIY because I'm not a fan of the handmade. I'm not the type to DIY because I am just flat out lazy. I have lots of ingredients in my craft box for lots of dreamy projects, I just never allocate the time to do them. And it is even harder now to set time aside for them with a baby. But now that I'm a SAHM I find myself wanting to be creative again. When I was studying design I had a class that was purely hands on and we weren't allowed to use computers for our projects. We got to make mess and put our designs together with glue rather than grouped items in a document. It was fun for the most part, and it is always good to go back to basics.
I have put together a little list of DIY's that have been on my list of things I would like to do. A felt ball rug is a high priority, however it is not a DIY for the lazy. And not a task for the impatient, both of which I am guilt of being. I first fell in love with these felt ball rugs when I saw them in a shop window in Newtown a good few years ago. I couldn't justify spending the $200+ on it, and thought there would be lots of helpful tutorials to make one for myself. There were lots, and the more of them I read the more I realised that these rugs are pricey for a reason! They take a lot of effort with each ball being hand made, so I think that I will shell out the money for one when I have the perfect space for it. But I would like to have a go at making a coaster version. Looking through some of the DIY's I've bookmarked has really inspired me to get a move on with the nesting projects Luke & I have already got planned. Because I really think our front door needs a silhouette welcome mat!
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Five Useless Things About Me
I'm a list maker. I make them about lots of things, I even make lists about making lists. I get a little list making high and just keep going! Rather than count sheep or count backwards when trying to get to sleep, I'll go through the next days to-do-list in my mind to help me ease into sleep.
I own almost all of Jackie Collins' books. After I read Valley Of The Dolls when I was 15 my Mum suggested I try reading some Jackie Collins. We went to a second hand book store together and I picked up Hollywood Wives & Rockstar and fell in love with her novels! I know they're tacky, but I love how involved they are, and how she always has three of four different stories going on that make sense as they all come together in the end. Do not even get me started on Gino Santangelo!
I'm scared of snakes. Not the common scared of snakes type scared, the type where every single time I go to the toilet I think about them scared. When my Sister & I were younger there was a story on the news about a little boy finding a snake in his toilet and ever since then I've thought about it every time I need to pee. There have been a few times that I've given myself a panic attack because I was sure there was one in the toilet. I wish I was kidding.
I am one of those disgusting people that likes pimples. It drives my husband crazy! If he has a pimple on his face, or anywhere I can see, I will not be able to focus on our conversations until its gone and we've spoken about it. If I'm waiting for something in my car, or can't sleep, I will watch pimple/blackhead pore strip/abscess videos on youtube. It is a disgusting fascination that I share with a couple of my cousins, and when we have weekends away together it is a hot topic much to my sisters dismay.
I take hanging clothes on the line way too seriously. If Luke helps out with the washing I can't watch him do it because he doesn't use the same coloured pegs on each item, or keep the clothes in their groups. I keep all the smalls together, the shirts together based on their style and if their mine or Luke's, and need all the pegs to be the same colour on each row. I especially like to fuss over and hang out Romy's little clothes. I end up adding extra time on this mundane task, but now that I'm a SAHM its okay!
Monday, August 5, 2013
Sunday, August 4, 2013
How Was Your Week?
This week has gone especially fast. Luke has Sunday evening, Monday & Tuesdays as his days off so I generally dread Wednesdays and start looking forward to Sunday afternoon instantly. And this week those few days in between went by so quick. On Wednesday Romy & I rented weekly dvds & stayed at home together, and Thursday we ran a couple of errands and were out and about all day. We had visitors all day Friday & Saturday, and had really unsettled nights due to a beginners case of teething. Today was a little better after a few drops of Infants Friend, a lavender oil bath & an afternoon walk in the sun. We settled The Bear just in time for our Sunday pizza and movie night ritual. How was your week?
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