Aside from being one of my favourite bloggers, I wanted to share this beautiful photograph of Hanna + her daughter Violet, that she posted this week over on her blog, Violet Lulu. The accompanying photos are just as beautiful, and look as though they're from Frankie magazine.

Monday, April 30, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
Deer Jumper
I recently bought this amazing deer jumper from the second hand store next to my work. I saw the ladies redressing their window mannequins and the second they finished, I ran into the store and bought it. The day I bought it there was a 20% sale off everything in the store, and because I work next door I got a further 10%, so I ended up paying $15 for it! Definitely my best thrift purchase so far!
Also, I did a little guest post over on Lazy Explorers blog this week, go check it out!
Monday, April 23, 2012
Sponsor Feature / Lazy Explorers
Hello, my name is Chloe and I blog over on Lazy Explorers. Lauren's blog is a favorite of mine and I am so happy to be guest posting today!
1//Most the shoes in my collection are from thrift stores. Here are my favorites, do you see a color trend?
2//When I saw this camera in the box with film I about screamed. I figured the garage saleswoman would want a fortune for it ($30 is a fortune when you are shopping at a garage sale). I asked her how much she wanted for it and she said "Uhhh, I dunno, how much do you think?" I was taken off guard, but managed to say "Five bucks?" We made the deal and I was off with this beautiful Polaroid. I have yet to use it because I don't want to waste any of the film. I love to think about the fact that this was the highest form of camera technology at one point. It amazes me how far we have come.
3//Since my recent hair epidemic, I have been using my creativity to hide the bad hair cut. I have seen people wear scarves in their hair before, but if you go to the mall they can be quite expensive. One day while I was thrifting, I saw a bunch of scarves hanging on the ends of the aisles. Since then, I have bought at least one scarf every time I go to a thrift store.
4//These dachshund pillows are probably my favorite find so far. They will be traveling with me to my apartment for sure. I love the colors on them and the fact that together they were about $2.
Thanks again Lauren for having me!
Xo Chloe.
Start Your Week Off With..
- Prettiest Girl In The World by Red Lipstick & Melodies
- My Parents Dating photographed by Curating Cuteness
- Printable Scalloped Envelope Freebie designed by Goodnight Little Spoon
- The Attic Bride by Strawberry Mohawk
- The Blog Hop hosted by Live.Laugh.Rowe
This weeks posts are a bit of a mixed bunch - two lovely parent posts, an awesome printable freebie, a cute afternoon photo shoot and a blog activity - the blog hop. Although The Blog Hop is one day blog event, I've linked it anyway so you can join in for the next one in a couple of weeks. Its a great way to find new blogs and make new blogging buddies! I'm really excited about my posts this week, as they have a retro/thrifty feel to them. I hope everybody has a great start to the week!
Friday, April 20, 2012
A Second Hand, Judge Judy, Lunch Date
1. Morning Coffee Date 2. Rabbit 3. Hustling w/Pushkin 4. Lara
5. Railway Revisited 6. The Cutest Antique Store 6. Luke. Hmm.
On our last day off together, Luke & I made a little day trip to Newcastle. We both lived there for years, and moved a year ago to the Central Coast. Last year we both made frequent visits, but decided this year that we wouldn't spend our free time there as much. My friend Lara had to attend court and we went yesterday to keep her company. Her case was heard first thing, so afterwards we went to Darby Street for coffees, had a pub lunch, and checked out the cutest little antique store that has opened recently. For months now Luke & I have been trying to find something to put in the corner of our bedroom, and we recently decided on a wooden coat stand. We had no luck at this particular antique store, but once we got back to the coast we quickly popped into a local antique store and found an over priced wooden coat stand. This will be our last resort should we have troubles finding a cheaper one.
While we were in Newcastle, we visited mine & Luke's old flat, our first flat we lived in together. It was super small, in the perfect location just behind Darby street, and located in a street filled with wonderful cats. One of our old neighbours had the most magnificent cat, Pushkin. She sits in a pot plant all day, and sways from side to side because she's a little dumpy. We also ran into Rabbit - a coffee drinking indie kid trapped inside a cat. He used to live a couple of doors down from me and would always go into the cafes along Darby street and sit with you while you had coffee! It made me miss my cat I used to have when I lived there. I saw a decorative sign in a gift shop last week that read, 'home is where your cat is', which I thought at first was a little crazy-cat-lady. But the next cat we get will be when we buy our own house, so I guess that sign was actually more awesome than I originally thought.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
The Worst Morning Ever
The start to my day was the worst. When my alarm went off earlier in the morning I was about to get up when I heard it absolutely pouring down outside, I snoozed my alarm and went back to sleep because I knew my day had already been ruined. I know it sounds a little silly, but by some miracle this week Luke & I both had the same days off. And we had planned to do cool stuff like go to Bondi in Sydney to have lunch, city adventures and a possible picnic the next day. Luke & I ended up sleeping in super late to it still being cold and wet outside, and I started to get ready so we could go grab a coffee. However, mid shower the power cut out, so I couldn't blow dry or straighten my hair, which is my one thing I hate. Leaving the house with wet hair. After finding some way of blaming Luke for this ordeal he suggested we go to my parents house so I could blow dry and straighten my hair, and grab a coffee on the way. All three cafes across the road from our house were closed because of the black out, so we went to my work to get them instead.
As soon as we got to my parents house, I saw the family cat Gill, who was heaps excited to see me. And it instantly made my day better. Well the combination of my favourite person, a cat and a coffee. Afterwards we went to the shops so Luke could buy some new Winter clothes, we could get the 6th season of 'How I Met Your Mother' + groceries, and I could get a new coffee mug and pair or shoes. We made burritos for dinner and finished our evening off with 'How I Met Your Mother'. And it ended up being a delightful day.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
A Custom Illustration / Pursuit Of Felicity
One of my favourite bloggers Felicity, who blogs over at Pursuit Of Felicity, asked me to illustrate one of her favourite photographs of her best friends as a present for their birthday. I illustrated a previous portrait for Felicity earlier on in the year for her boyfriend's birthday, which you can check out here. In the photograph the twins faces are slightly cut off on the sides, this was something Felicity wanted to change for the illustration, and ended up looking a lot better. I also did little changes like the twin on the left currently has blonde hair, so Felicity provided a recent photograph of her so I could adjust her hair colour, a 'bff' necklace was added, as was a colourful background to give the illustration a kick of colour. I sent Felicity the illustration in two sizes she requested, and with a blank background so she could add her own if she wanted to change it up in the future. If you'd like something similar for yourself, or for a present, send me an email for more info and prices. I'd love to hear from you!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
A Different Kind Of Sponsor Post
As much as I love reading 'meet the sponsor' type posts, I thought that I would try something a little fun and different this month for my April Sponsor post. Rather than a brief introduction and a cute picture, I've just made a couple of buttons and randomly matched one of my April Sponsors to them. Its almost like a magical lucky dip, and you never know, you may just find your new favourite blog without any preconceived ideas of what it may be about or like.
Start Your Week Off With..
- On Being Vain & Weird & Silly by Sometimes Sweet
- Five Things To Avoid When Drunk by Five A Day
- One Day Without Shoes by The Chevron Rose
- Silver Chevron Nails by Jar Of Feathers
I didn't have to work this Friday just past, which gave me a whole day to catch up on some things I haven't been able to do lately because I've been so busy. I haven't been able to read any new blogs lately, or spend much of my free time blogging. Last night after I finished a custom illustration I came across a handful of new blogs, a couple of which I've linked this week.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
What I Wore Today
Cardigan + bag: Kmart / Blouse: Valleygirl
Skirt: Cocolatte / Boots: Random shoe shop
Nail polish: Revlon 721 'Raven Red' / Coffee: A French patisserie near my house
The week before last I posted a vlog for the first time, so I thought I'd cross off another first - an outfit post. Although I really love looking at other bloggers' outfit posts, and I love clothes, I've never really thought to go down the whole 'outfit post' route. Either way, I'm making a conscious effort to post about more things rather than daily adventures and illustrations. Also, I've never worn this top before and its quite possibly my new favourite! I had a similar blouse years ago in black and white that I foolishly gave to Vinnie's one too many house moves ago.
Today Luke & I had a late start to the day with a well deserved sleep in, and then we did some groceries, paid rent, bought a throw rug and Scooby Doo 'the lochness monster' movie, and some coffees. We decided on a whim to go to the movies late this afternoon to watch 'Mirror Mirror', which turned out to be a great decision because its such an amazing movie! There was so many random scenes and awesome costumes, I would definitely watch it again!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Start Your Week Off With..
- The Power Of Introverts by Little Tranquility
- On Identity by Nicola Lynde
- One Year! by Ever So Juliet
- Woozy With Cider by Hat Full Of Sky
- Learning To Make Bread by Life Like Honey
This ones a little late because I've been so busy with work lately. The Easter long weekend was crazy at my work, we were busy every day. I've been working so much lately that I've only just had a hint of spare time to share my second part to my Fiji holiday post this evening. However, Luke & I both have the day off tomorrow, so we are going to hopefully have a little adventure, and I'll have time to work on some illustrations. The past couple of nights it has started to get really cold, and it was cold for most of today. So after work, I went to the shops to get some new house slippers. I also picked up some much needed new cardigans. I can't wait for winter, the clothes are always so much better!
Make sure you check out these lovely ladies! I love doing these posts and sharing a handful of posts by a handful of lovely bloggers that I have discovered throughout the week, or read usually and want you to do so too! I've found so many amazing blogs through 'weekend links' or 'what blogs i love wednesday' type posts, and that is the main reason I do this feature every week so that hopefully you'll find a new blog to read too. I hope you're all having an awesome week so far!
My Family Fiji Holiday Pt. 2
1. On our way to the cave 2 + 3. Ash & Luke drinking Kava 4. Village lunch
So. The much anticipated 'cave tour'. Last year when we got our hands on some Fijian travel brochures, the cave tour immediately stuck out for Luke. That was the one thing he was definitely psyched for. So a few days into our stay at the resort, we sussed it out and booked it. I specifically asked the tourism agent at the resort if wearing thongs would be appropriate foot wear as I had only brought them. The gift store was across the hall and had reef shoes that I would have happily bought to wear to the caves had I been assured thongs were not a good choice. However, I was told thongs would be fine to wear. In hindsight, that nice lady that booked the tour for us has clearly never been on this tour.
We left for our cave adventures around 10 and it was quite a trek to the village where the caves were located. Before we embarked on the cave exploration, we had a Kava ceremony at the villages' Grandmother's house to ask permission to look at their historic caves. This was my first time tasting Kava, I wasn't too into it, but the Fijians love it! After the ceremony and lunch, we were told about some village history and culture, and then we boarded a water raft to cross the river to start our journey to the cave. I was slightly freaking out before sitting on the raft because I was sure I was going to fall in the water and have spiders crawl over me! The trek to the caves was pretty interesting with little stops to observe Fijian flora and their uses in natural medicine over there. It was also really frustrating because it had previously been raining the week before and it was muddy and my thongs kept getting stuck in the mud and I kept falling over. One of the tour guides gave me his shoes to wear, which was a lovely, sweet gesture, however they were oversized black crocs. This was the first and only time I will ever wear crocs, especially in front of anyone.
After a 30 minute walk we got to the caves and were told about the historical importance of the cave before we entered. It was super dark, cold, slippery and wet inside the cave. But it was quite nice to see something that magnificent with thousand year old rock formations, and more importantly, it was definitely an experience to see a cannibal oven! Yep, cannibal oven! Way back when, a local village didn't want to cross over to Christianity so they hid in the caves and fought off their enemies, cooked them in the caves in their cannibal ovens, and ate them! It was a weird feeling to be in a cave where once upon a time such things like village captivity and cannibalism happened. As bad as most of the day was (getting there, wearing crocs, being covered in water and mud, falling over every second step I took), it was worth the experience of seeing such a unique historical environment.
1. Reading and relaxing 2. Luke & I 3. Subo for seafood 4. Family dinner
5. Ash & Al 6. Epic seafood platter
After our hectic adventures the day before, everyone had a really laid back day. Ash & I read books on beach chairs outside by the water, and we had casual lunch and dinner dates together. Night six we all went out for dinner to the super nice seafood restaurant that looked like it could be in a Scooby Doo mystery. They served amazing fresh seafood, well, so I was told as I don't eat seafood. My family ate these crazy hectic seafood platters that could have been for a small gathering. The restaurant was on a little man made island so you could see sea creatures going about their business while you ate your dinner. So Luke & I finally got to see a sea snake, after everyone had seen them almost every night that they were there. I hate all snakes, they freak me out, and sea snakes were the worst looking. They were black and white striped and long, and poisonous looking. I shudder thinking about them.
1. Air hockey semi final 2. Drinks by the pool 3. Feet in the pool 4. Aww, Luke!
5. Parental supervision 6 + 7. Last cocktails 8. Last photos in Fiji 9. Crumping 10 +11. Last Fijian Sunset
Our last full day in Fiji was spent playing air hockey, ping pong, drinks by the pool, afternoon cocktails, packing, last chance to cling to HBO, dinner at an Italian restaurant and finishing our evening off with a filming funny things on my parents video camera so when they watched the footage back the last thing they saw would be funny. I didn't take a single photo the very last morning we were there on day eight. We left the resort around 11 am, but before we left for the airport, we spent our morning finishing off our continuing air hockey tournament that my sister ended up winning. I'm pretty sure an air hockey table will be purchased as a result of this victory! It was a pretty fantastic holiday, and it was especially lovely getting to have memorable adventures with my family!
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