Reading: 'The Happiness Project' by Getchen Rubin. I've been thoroughly enjoying this read in the few quiet moments I've had the past couple of weeks. But I am very determined to read this number as some inspiration for my game plan next year!
Watching: The Sopranos. Luke & I have decided to pick up where we left off a few years back with it at season three. I'm really annoyed with myself for putting it off for so long because when I watch it I really enjoy it. Tony Soprano is the weirdest sweet heart. The Bachelor Australia finished up tonight, which I had really got into over the last month or so. At first I was so disgusted with the concept of so many different women competing for the same guy. I didn't find the contestants bitchy comments funny initially, as it took me a few episodes to lighten up over it and just enjoy it for what it was. I really felt sad for Rochelle that she didn't leave with Tim, she seems like a really lovely lady.
Listening to: 'Bangerz', I can't get past it. It is so damn catchy. Luke is getting quite sick of hearing it though.
Thinking about: Next year and the fact that is going to start happing in just weeks now. Luke & I have some big plans coming up for early-mid next year and how everything is going to be different so soon. I am also really excited for one of my close friends who recently got engaged and am excited to be celebrating such a special occasion in her life. Also my cousin is pregnant with bb 2 so that is going to be super duper exciting, and my friend shared with me today that she is planning baby 2 very soon. So many positive things are happening!
Working on: a vector illustration for a friends logo and I am having a blast with it!
Loving: printed photos. I have been putting off printing photos for a while now because it is always such a drawn out process, and Romy gets restless by the time we're finished and she wants to look around. So I always rush, and I would much rather rush on my accord. So on Wednesday we got ready to leave the house for the morning when we dropped Luke off to work and we went straight to the shops to print specific photos that I had preemptively put on a USB stick to make it easier. It took less than five minutes & I was able to cross 'print photos' & 'send photos to family members' off of my to-do list. It's also nice to have some fresh photos to change things up on the fridge and the frames around the house.
Anticipating: Christmas! It is so soon! Romy loved being around her extended family over the weekend when we went to the Gold Coast, so I am excited that she will be surrounded by lots of lovely people again so soon.
I am so tempted to download 'Bangerz' haha! It would definitely be my guilty pleasure. :P I also need to get around to printing out some actual photos again, so thanks for the reminder! :)