Luke & I were talking the other night and mid conversation it dawned on me that at the end of this week it would be March. March! How did the third month of the new year creep up so quickly?! Right from the beginning of my pregnancy the main advice I got was to stay busy, and I am so glad that I have been because the time has just flown by so super quickly. So quickly in fact that this week I hit the 28 week mark and realisation that I need to get organised has officially kicked in! I've been getting two days off during the week now after having only one day off for the past couple of months, and with that extra day I've been able to achieve so much more. This month I've done a couple of my blood tests I've been putting off, booked a bunch of my hospital appointments, finally picked out the pram we're going to get, bought some other baby stuff that isn't in the form of a cute onesie, caught up with a friend for dinner, started to look for a new place to live, made the decision to get a new car, bought said new car, organised a new internet contract & updated my car insurance policy (both for which I'm now saving a bundle on!). I've also been able to cross off so many things on my to-do list such as finishing my cousin's wedding invitations as well as my baby shower invitations, make my friends resume look snappy, finish buying baby presents for some other lovely ladies, cook dinner for my parents, and spend some time planning some new things for this little blog that I've put on the back burner for the past couple of months.
I definitely don't feel as though I have wasted much of my spare time this year, but I do feel as though I achieved a lot more throughout February. And the most important thing I was able to do, was to spend more quality time with Luke. We've both been so busy with work that we have only been able to see each other for an hour or two in the afternoons because of our different work schedules. So for March I intend on making the time to do things rather than leaving it up to chance to have the time for them. See you next year February!